@MsChallenor’s class were phenomenal presenters at last evenings BOE meeting. #RamPride #RamResolve
A terrific Tuesday @WHGWashington! #RamPride #RamResolve
Is there any better way to spend a Monday, then to visit @WHChestnut?! #RamResolve #RamPride
You may want to visit the #RamPride section of our website (www.WHUFSD.com) for a couple of great videos — one on our virtual Black History Museum and the other on Mr. Andrew Wells. #RamResolve
Last evening the Board of Education adopted a resolution to create a secondary school for grades 7-12. The district has sent the appropriate paperwork to NYSED for approval. We will be forming a task force and subcommittees to discuss the future. We will keep you abreast of developments as they occur.
NYSED and the NYSDOH has issued new guidance as it related to COVID-19. We are in the process of reviewing this information and will provide an update in the near future. For now, masks are optional in all school settings, including the bus. All other protocols remain in place. You can refer to our school reopening page for further information. #RamPride #RamResolve
Governor Hochul announced that the statewide indoor mask mandate affecting schools will end on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Effective Wednesday, March 2, mask wearing will be optional in our school buildings for students, faculty and staff. The decision to wear or not to wear a mask is a personal decision based on various factors, including an individual’s health and comfort level. The WHUFSD supports the decision each person will make.
We will have more information as we receive it from the Department of Health. #RamResolve
As in previous years, the window for our students and parents to take the ESSA Climate survey has been and will be during the month of March. You should have received a letter from your building principal. The survey can be found at climatesurvey.nasbo es.org. The link is also on our website in the menu, under community. If you did not receive your user information, please contact your building principal. Thank you. #RamPride #RamResolve
The @WH_HighSchool @WH_HSLibrary media center’s floor is shined and ready for business. What books have you been reading this week? #RamPride #RamResolve
What a great way to introduce the @WHGWashington book vending machine! #ReadWriteThinkCriticallyDaily #RamPride #RamResolve
Our RtI Committee discussing restorative justice today. #RamPride #RamResolve
Notice of Board of Education Meeting - February 15, 2022 - Click to view notice https://5il.co/15nvo
Link for tonight's Board of Education Meeting 2/15/22 - Click here to view https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTU5NjM4OWEtMmYxMS00YTgzLWIzNTUtZmE4MjZiNWQ1MWU1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22691999de-a0a5-44a5-92c4-95c56d4de773%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22372cd3d1-657d-4982-a9fe-5dde3387928a%22%7d
Socratic Seminar is a fantastic strategy to promote thinking, autonomy, ownership, and engagement. @WH_MSRAMS @MsKiernanReads @cwalker0419 #RamPride #RamResolve
Mock trial team in action. #RamPride #RamResolve
Jordan Dejesus was the county champion in the 55-meter dash and was second place in the 300-meter run earning all-county honors. Victoria Guerrier was county champion in the 600-meter run. Gloria Guerrier earned all-county honors with a third-place finish in the 600-meter run. Damilola Babalola earned all-county honors with a second-place finish in the 55 hurdles. The boys 4x200 relay of Jordan Dejesus Derek Chinchilla, Dominick Ferguson, and Damilola Babilola came in second place, earning all-county honors. Altogether - an all-county honors total of 6 athletes!
Happy Sunday! #RamPride #RamResolve
Girls Flag Football Comes to WH! #RamPride #RamResolve https://www.newsday.com/amp/sports/high-school/football/jets-flag-football-league-long-island-1.50496063
Link to tonight's Policy/Special Business Meeting and Presentation Regarding the Idea of a 7-12 Building
Click here to join meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Y2YzYjM5NWUtZjhjMS00MzBhLTg4N2MtNzhiYzRlN2JiYjQy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22691999de-a0a5-44a5-92c4-95c56d4de773%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22372cd3d1-657d-4982-a9fe-5dde3387928a%22%7d
There will be a public session after the policy meeting to discuss the idea of a grade 7-12 structure. Please check back tomorrow for a link to the meeting which begins at 7:30 pm. Thank you.
We are now a PreK-12 school district! They said it couldn’t be done. Thank you to those who have turned this dream into a reality! #RamPride #RamResolve