ENL Department Announcements
Monday, January 27th is the beginning of Semester 2
Please check Powerschool to see your Semester 2 courses at the Secondary School
Thank you!

Dr. Katie DiGregorio
Director of ENL & Instructional Technology
Se habla espaƱol
Welcome to the West Hempstead ENL page!
We are so glad that you are here! We offer Integrated English classes and Stand-Alone ENL classes to support our students' language acquisition needs. We focus on building capacity in all four domains of language- reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Our goal as an ENL Department is to provide students with various entry points into instruction as well as provide for our students' social-emotional well-being. The ENL Department is dedicated to ensuring that all students are able to develop a life-long passion for learning.
The ENL Department at West Hempstead Union Free School District

Who are #WHe?

Chestnut Street:
Cornwell Avenue:
George Washington:
West Hempstead Secondary School:
Ms. Candice Walker (ENL/ELA/SS)
Mrs. Lisa McCarthy (ENL/Math/)
Mr. Nicholas DiBenedetto (ENL/SS)
Mrs. Madeline Valencia (ENL/ELA/Living Environment)
Ms. Lili Ferguson-Barakat (ENL/ELA)
Below are helpful presentations and links regarding our ENL Program at West Hempstead:
NYSED Parent Resources

Gonzalez, V. (n.d.). Infographics. Serving Multilingual Learners of All Ages. Retrieved from https://www.valentinaesl.com/infographics.html