Date Change - Budget Vote and Trustee Election is now May 11, 2021. #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
The MS team doing what they do best - discussing students based on input from staff. #teamwork #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
We are learning to manage our impulsivity in @msjklafter class in @WHChestnut. This is an important habit of mind to learn and use throughout life. #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
Huge thanks to the amazing @WH_EPTA for the FANTASTIC Mad Science virtual assembly this morning! It is one of our most favorite assemblies every year! #RamPride #RamResolve @whufsdrams
about 4 years ago, Chestnut Street School
Mad Science
Mad Science
Mad Science
Mad Science
Season II or the Fall Season is underway. #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
The USDA has approved the continuation of serving free meals to all students in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program through the 2020-21 school year. This means that all students enrolled at WHUFSD will have access to nutritious meals at no cost to parents.
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
food service
food service
Our AP Capstone Research class with @MsStamatiades and Mr. Trupia are developing their research papers by analyzing exemplars and non-exemplars. #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
The coffee and conversation podcast is up. This week we interviewed Ms. Desiree Karroll, third-grade teacher from @CornwellAveES #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
Students in @classwithcassa and @MsStamatiades class are working on their individual research report for the AP Seminar Performance Assessment. #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
Check out the March issue of the Chestnut Street Parent Newsletter here: #RamPride #RamResolve @whufsdrams
about 4 years ago, Chestnut Street School
​Superintendent's Weekly Update - February 26, 2021
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
Another gorgeous day to play outside, teachers learning just like our students, magical music, and Fundations!! @Whufsd #RamResolve #RamPride
about 4 years ago, Cornwell Avenue Primary Center
Putting the science in FACS. Ss in Ms. Gulisano’s class are making observations to determine which fat is best for pie crust. Butter, shortening, or mix. Changing one variable at a time.
about 4 years ago, West Hempstead Middle School
pie in oven
The sun is shining and the learning is warming up. Mental sweat oozing out of our pores @CornwellAveES #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
A big #WestHempsteadWednesday shout out to students in Ms. Perlow's class at George Washington using KidOyO to teach and support their classmate’s learning! #RamFam #RamPride
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
The U.S. Department of Education said Monday that states must administer standardized tests this year, but the tests can be shortened and will not be used to evaluate schools. #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
bubble test
Let’s finish strong today and then we can begin our Winter Break. Enjoy! Be well, healthy, and safe. #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
Winter Break
We are Rams. #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
What are you doing to create a “less is more” environment? #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams
Less is More
Thank you to everyone involved in returning and moving forward with our bond work (Project C). #RamResolve
about 4 years ago, WHUFSD Rams