Camp Invention coming to WH this summer! Don’t miss out on this opportunity. See flyers for more information.
¡Camp Invention llegará a WH este verano! No pierdas esta oportunidad. Consulta los folletos para obtener más información.
#RamPride #RamFam
The revised budget being presented to voters on June 21 includes the use of approximately $2.5 million in fund balance and $1.4 million in reserves to help offset the tax levy impact to the community. If you have any questions related to the new proposal, please attend the budget hearing tonight at 7:30 p.m.
El presupuesto revisado que se presentará a los votantes el 21 de junio incluye el uso de aproximadamente $2.5 millones en saldo de fondos y $1.4 millones en reservas para ayudar a compensar el impacto del gravamen fiscal en la comunidad. Si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada con la nueva propuesta, asista a la audiencia de presupuesto esta noche a las
7:30 p.m.
Did You Know?
Unlike New York City, residents of Long Island school districts can vote on school budgets. If you moved from New York City, if you have lived in the West Hempstead school district for at least 30 days prior to the June 21st vote, and if you are registered to vote, you can vote in the school budget vote on June 21st. You can register to vote through June 16th at the school district offices, located at 252 Chestnut Street, West Hempstead.
Diferente a de la ciudad de Nueva York, los residentes de los distritos escolares de Long Island pueden votar sobre los presupuestos escolares. Si se mudó de la ciudad de Nueva York, si ha vivido en el distrito escolar de West Hempstead durante al menos 30 días antes de la votación del 21 de junio y si está registrado para votar, puede votar en la votación del presupuesto escolar el 21 de junio. Puede registrarse para votar hasta el 16 de junio en las oficinas del distrito escolar, ubicadas en 252 Chestnut Street, West Hempstead.
Please remember to participate in the district’s budget revote next Tuesday, June 21. Polls will be open from 7 a.m.- 9 p.m. at West Hempstead Middle School.
The revised budget has been REDUCED from the initial plan presented to voters in May. The new budget represents a tax levy increase of 1.5%, which is BELOW the tax cap. All information related to the budget vote can be found on the district’s website.
Recuerde participar en la nueva votación del presupuesto del distrito el próximo martes 21 de junio. Las urnas estarán abiertas de 7 a. m. a 9 p. m. en la escuela secundaria West Hempstead.
El presupuesto revisado se ha REDUCIDO del plan inicial presentado a los votantes en mayo. El nuevo presupuesto representa un aumento de la tasa de impuestos del 1,5 %, que está POR DEBAJO del tope fiscal. Toda la información relacionada con la votación del presupuesto se puede encontrar en el sitio web del distrito.
Gloria Guerrier’s week of greatness continues. Yesterday she was public high school state champion and today she finished 6th, which means she is all federation and all state! @WH_HighSchool #RamPride #RamResolve
That’s 3! Congratulations to Dami Babalola. We are proud of your efforts! #RamPride #RamResolve @WH_HighSchool
Two times as good! Two, yes, two NYS Champs! Congratulations Gloria & Victoria. #RamPride #RamResolve @WH_HighSchool
Congratulations to Victoria Guerrier who has earned an All-State distinction! @WH_HighSchool #RamPride #RamResolve
We are proud of you Victoria! @WH_HighSchool #RamPride
Well done, Jordan. We are proud of you! @WH_HighSchool #RamPride #RamResolve @MrDiBenedetto1
Dami moved on to the finals tomorrow! @Wh_HighSchool @MrDiBenedetto1 #RamPride #RamResolve
The Senior BBQ is underway and in
good hands. #RamPride #RamResolve
Our BOE President, Mrs. Brohm and Asst. Sup. for Business and Operations were featured in a video podcast this week, WH Echo. Here is the link...
#RamPride #RamResolve
If you are planning to travel, check in with @bichons42 @msfine_10 @CornwellAveES as they have been studying various countries! Terrific presentations! #RamPride #RamResolve
Day One of the Athletic Awards. Our student-athletes are phenomenal! @WH_HighSchool #RamPride #RamResolve
Today, George Washington's Hackathon Team, "Ram Hackstead" received their award for the Best Capital Defense Project, which they won during the Upper Elementary Division Hackathon! Job well done by our coders at GW! #RamPride
Congratulations to our fabulous underclassmen who received awards today! #RamPride #RamFam @WH_HighSchool
Reminder - Tonight’s BOE Budget meeting and adoption begins at 7 pm this evening. Link is here: #RamPride #RamResolve
A phenomenal night had by one and all @WH_HighSchool’s Senior Awards Night! #RamPride #RamResolve
A beautiful day for learning and playing! @CornwellAveES #RamPride #RamResolve