Remote Learning
Primary Model (K-3) | AM Schedule | LUNCH/SEL Check-Ins | PM Schedule Mathematics Block Science/Social Studies/Small-Group Interaction CS School Hours: CA School Hours: The 6-day cycle will remain in effect |
Intermediate Model (4-6) | Students will follow their regular 6-day cycle school schedule during virtual distance learning instruction Students must log in to their teachers’ Google Classrooms, and Google Meets during their regularly scheduled class times Class schedules will be posted on George Washington’s web page George Washington School Hours: | ||
Secondary Model (7-12) | Students will follow their regular nine period day 1/day 2 schedule during virtual distance learning instruction Students must log in to their teachers’ Google Classrooms, and Google Meets during their regularly scheduled periods. Student schedules are available on the Power School portal Middle School Hours: High School Hours: The 2-day cycle will remain in effect |
We have surveyed families to determine of the level of access to devices and high-speed broadband all students and teachers have in their places of residence;
To the extent practicable, we will seek to provide devices and internet access to students and teachers who currently do not have sufficient access; and
We will allow for multiple ways for students to participate in learning and demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in remote or blended models, especially if all students do not yet have sufficient access to devices and/or high-speed internet.
Elementary cycle day schedules are available in the West Hempstead District Calendar. Secondary cycle day schedules will be posted on our schools’ webpages.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period at the secondary level and regularly at the elementary level.
Grading protocols will remain in effect.
Students will maintain their enrollment status at their brick and mortar schools.
Students will attend school online during regular school hours and follow a standard school schedule.
Teachers will teach “live” each day with students daily utilizing web conferencing technology.
Teacher-designed lessons are delivered through Google Classroom.
Ongoing support services will be provided for students (e.g., counseling services, therapies, and mental health) remotely as appropriate.
Electronic devices will be available for check out at the school site if needed.
Courses will be designed to ensure rigor matches the traditional classroom setting.
Standards will be prioritized in the scope and sequence of instruction to support students as they enter the next grade, course level.
High-quality curriculum and learning experiences are designed that can be implemented in both the traditional and distance learning model.
Each course is aligned to NYS NGLS, and the scope and sequence will be adjusted and developed to support the prioritization of essential standards and to support the acceleration of potential unfinished learning from previous grade standards.
All assignments, activities, and classroom-based assessments will be developed and facilitated by assigned by the teacher.
All students will be expected to complete and submit assignments as determined by the assigned teacher.
Code of Student Conduct and all technology expectations remain in effect.
All students will follow the assessment calendar and participate in all local and state assessments.
Each morning, students are expected to be present and engage in virtual instruction each day within the designated schedule.
All students will be expected to adhere to daily attendance guidelines, login, and attend class during the designated times.
Students will access their curriculum and assignments via Google Classroom.
Students will utilize Google Meet for viewing live-lessons, meetings, and small group instruction.
Parent meetings and/or conferences will occur virtually until it is deemed appropriate to have larger numbers of individuals on campus.
Students who need a device will be issued one to engage in digital learning.
Students will also be issued any associated materials such as textbooks, art supplies, musical instruments, and other necessary materials where possible.
What to Expect For Teachers and Staff
All teachers have access to professional learning to prepare them for the 2020-2021 school year.
All professional development will be structured, organized, and maintained to provide easy access to relevant PD, resources, and tools related to pre-planning PD, and other relevant professional development offered throughout the year.
Guidance and resources will be shared with administrators for them to assist teachers in course development.
Depending on the model of delivery (traditional or distance learning), each teacher will have the ability to adapt and adjust the core resources to meet the setting and needs of their students.
Teachers will be expected to provide “live” instruction via web conferencing throughout the school day.
Distance Learning Parental Guidance
Make sure your student understands the work expectations for distance learning.
Maintain a daily routine around the school, instructional schedules, and schoolwork.
Keep in touch with your teacher(s) regularly and let them know if your child is experiencing specific challenges.
Talk to your child regarding how they are feeling.
Perform check-ins with your child regarding academics. This includes checking their Google Classroom and/or PowerSchool to ensure your child is completing assignments and making appropriate progress.
Seek assistance from school staff for emotional or mental health if needed.
Reach out to your child’s teacher or student services staff with any changes that may impact your child’s success. This way, we can develop supports for your child before the first day of school.
Parents may be required to pick up instructional materials (textbooks, etc.) for distance learning. Schools will contact parents if this is the case for their students.