MIS-C What to Do
What to do if you think your child is sick with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)
Contact your child’s doctor, nurse, or clinic right away if your child is showing symptoms of MIS-C:
Abdominal pain
Neck pain
Bloodshot eyes
Feeling extra tired
Be aware that not all children will have all the same symptoms. Seek emergency care right away if your child is showing any of these emergency warning signs of MIS-C or other concerning signs:
Trouble breathing
Pain or pressure in the chest that does not go away
New confusion
Inability to wake or stay awake
Bluish lips or face
Severe abdominal pain
How doctors will care for your child
Doctors may do certain tests to look for inflammation or other signs of disease. These tests might include:
Blood tests
Chest x-ray
Heart ultrasound (echocardiogram)
Abdominal ultrasound
Doctors may provide supportive care for symptoms (medicine and/or fluids to make your child feel better) and may use various medicines to treat inflammation. Most children who become ill with MIS-C will need to be treated in the hospital. Some will need to be treated in the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU).