Ms. Laila Sales
Director of Fine, Performing & Culinary Arts

FACS Staff:

Victoria Bento

Victoria Bento, WHSS

Stacy Guilisano

Stacy Gulisano, WHSS

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Family and consumer sciences education empowers individuals and families across the lifespan to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global society. The unique focus is on families, work, and their interrelationships.

Family and consumer sciences education has roots in both academic and career and technical education and reaches beyond the educational system into the community as it focuses on the needs of individuals and families.

The 21-22 school year welcomes a new program at our middle school called Virtual Enterprise-Junior Virtual (VE-JV). VE-JV offers our middle school students hands-on, task-based curricula, where students test drive potential careers and develop in-demand skills and competencies that post-secondary institutions and employers are seeking.

Student Spotlight

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Students in the Arts programs