West Hempstead Secondary School Library Online Databases
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American History; United States at War; World History: Ancient; World History: Modern. From the explorers of the Americas to today's headlines, this database investigates the people, events, and theme's of the world's evolution.Gale E-Books
Gale E-Books is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for research. Many of our Reference books are in this database in e-book format.Gale in Context: High School
Covers the major subject areas including history, literature, science, and social studies. Provides a selection of reference books, primary documents, biographies, and multimedia items.Gale in Context: Middle School
Provides engaging reference, periodical, and multimedia content supporting national and state curriculum standards for grades 6 to 12 in language arts, social studies, and science.Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Provides a complete one-stop source for information on social issues. Access viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazines and newspaper articles.Gale In Context: Science
Includes earth science, life science, space, technology, mathematics, science history and biographies.Literary Reference Source Plus
A comprehensive database that provides information on thousands of authors and their works. It combines information from major respected works, books, literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO.NOVEL databases from Gale Publishing
Free databases provided by NY State containing information in various subject areas, including science and social studies.Scholastic Go
Contains more than 115,000 articles covering every core-curriculum subject.Teen Book Cloud
A collection of audio books, e-books, read alongs, graphic novels and videos in the categories of fiction and non-fiction. Great for reluctant readers and students practicing their "Common Core" aligned skills.World Book Power Pack
A world of student resources, easy-to understand articles, and built-in research tools.