West Hempstead Secondary School Library Online Databases

See Librarian for username and passwords

    American History; United States at War; World History: Ancient; World History: Modern. From the explorers of the Americas to today's headlines, this database investigates the people, events, and theme's of the world's evolution.

  • Gale E-Books
    Gale E-Books is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for research. Many of our Reference books are in this database in e-book format.

  • Gale in Context: High School
    Covers the major subject areas including history, literature, science, and social studies. Provides a selection of reference books, primary documents, biographies, and multimedia items.

  • Gale in Context: Middle School
    Provides engaging reference, periodical, and multimedia content supporting national and state curriculum standards for grades 6 to 12 in language arts, social studies, and science.

  • Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints in Context
    Provides a complete one-stop source for information on social issues. Access viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazines and newspaper articles.

  • Gale In Context: Science
    Includes earth science, life science, space, technology, mathematics, science history and biographies. 

  • Literary Reference Source Plus
    A comprehensive database that provides information on thousands of authors and their works. It combines information from major respected works, books, literary journals as well as original content from EBSCO.

  • NOVEL databases from Gale Publishing
    Free databases provided by NY State containing information in various subject areas, including science and social studies.

  • Scholastic Go
    Contains more than 115,000 articles covering every core-curriculum subject.

  • Teen Book Cloud
    A collection of audio books, e-books, read alongs, graphic novels and videos in the categories of fiction and non-fiction. Great for reluctant readers and students practicing their "Common Core" aligned skills.

  • World Book Power Pack
    A world of student resources, easy-to understand articles, and built-in research tools.