IMPORTANT NOTICE: Once you click on any one of the following links, you will leave this website. Please note that we are not responsible for any content posted on these websites or the design of these websites.
College Board
We’re a not-for-profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity in education. Our mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity.Fastweb
College search site.Princeton Review
Founded in 1981, The Princeton Review has long been a leader in helping college and graduate school–bound students achieve their higher-education goals through our test-preparation services, tutoring and admissions resources, as well as through online courses and resources and print and digital books.
Regents Review
Foreign Language
MIT Highlights for HS
Highlights for High School features MIT OpenCourseWare materials that are most useful for high school students and teachers.Sweet Search
Site with links to multiple topics.
Organization and Time Management
Remember the Milk
Task manager
Regents Exams
Problem Attic
85,000 of the best questions from NY Regents, State Assessments, Academic Competitions, and more.
Search by topic or exam. Select, arrange, and format questions the way you like. Create beautiful classroom materials in just minutes!
Research References
A research resource dedicated to helping students improve their searching skills, this site can help anyone earn better grades.Google Scholar
Saving students even more time, Google Scholar finds research articles relevant to any project or paper.Noodle Tools
Providing premium search tools for students and professional researchers, NoodleTools is a fantastic resource for completing any project.RefDesk
The self-proclaimed fact checker of the Internet, this site is great for find quick trivia or references for papers.
Online since 1993, the Exploratorium was one of the first science museums to build a site on the World Wide Web. The site now contains over 18 thousand award-winning Web pages exploring hundreds of different topics. They currently serve 20 million visitors a year.Exploratorium Image Station
The Microscope Imaging Station at the Exploratorium provides a unique opportunity to explore the microscopic world.Why Files
This site presents the science behind the news in a clear and accurate way. You will find a variety of scientific images, new columns and articles every week and over 450 stories in the site’s archive.
Social Studies
LOC Research Site
This research site from the Library of Congress will allow you to learn about the social, economic and political systems of 101 countries around the world.Smithsonian Institute
This official site of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. features links to each of the Smithsonian’s museums and their exhibitions, as well as special online resources in art and design, history and culture, and science and technology.
Study Sites
Welcome to Dweeber, a social website that connects youth and helps them get homework done faster by working with their school friends online. Dweeber allows students to use the growing phenomenon of social networking to actually help them learn, study, and do homework, as opposed to getting in the way of it. Homework happens — Dweeber helps get it done faster! A couple of our guiding principles:
Everyone has their own unique brilliance.
Think of differences as resources rather than disorders
Track assets rather than deficits
Think of mistakes as experiments rather than failures.
Everyone has an inner Dweeb, a geek part of us that is passionate about something important.Regents Review Live
The 2013 Regents Review 2.0 programs will begin airing on NYS Public Television stations on May 6 (contact your local station for a schedule of dates and times). The one-hour review shows in this Regents test preparation series are also streamed on the web at, where you'll find information on exam dates and tips, links to all the NYS Public Television stations and much more. Regent exams covered are: English, Integrated Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2/Trigonometry, Earth Science, Living Environment, Chemistry, Physics, Global History & Geography, and US History & Govt.Study Blue
All of your flash cards and all of your notes in your pocket.
Study Hall
Study Skills Blog
Learn to study better!