Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots.

Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots.

Ozobots respond to colors that tell the robot which direction to go or how to move. During this science lesson, sixth graders learned how the earth and moon rotate and revolve. In this culminating activity, George Washington STELLAR teacher Ms. Dara Perlow and sixth grade teacher Mrs. Jenna Mottola partnered with Dr. Katie DiGregorio, the district’s director of ENL and instructional technology. Students were tasked with coding the robots to do a model simulation of rotation and revolution of the earth and moon around the sun.

This lesson was a great way to bring STEAM lessons into the science classroom.

Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots. Sixth graders at George Washington School in West Hempstead recently completed a science lesson about the earth and moon using Ozobots.