About Cornwell

The West Hempstead Union Free School District recognizes the unique value of each student. It is dedicated to the success of each student based on the highest standards of excellence in education. Each student will be challenged to achieve mastery in all subject areas in an educational atmosphere that strives to build positive self- esteem, mutual respect for others, and life-long quest for learning.
On behalf of the Cornwell Avenue Elementary School – The Primary Center, it is with great pleasure and excitement that I welcome you and your child to the start of a new school year! We will be hosting open houses and welcome you and your child to take self-guided tours of our building and visit classrooms. Please note staff will not be in during this time. Our open house time is as follows:
August 29th - 10:00 am
Valentines for Veterans
Assemblywoman Judy Griffin visited Cornwell Avenue on Feb. 5 to pick up handmade valentine’s for local veterans and active military personnel serving overseas. Members of the student council, with the guidance of student council faculty adviser Edna Messina, organized the activity.
Forces In Motion at Cornwell Avenue
Third grade students at Cornwell Avenue in the West Hempstead School District were recently introduced to friction and gravity with the Great Slide Challenge, which is a part of their forces and motion science unit. Each group made a model of a slide using a stack of books and pieces of cardboard, paper or any other materials they had available to them. Students worked together to test which materials have the most and least friction and which angle would provide the most speed.
“The children had a wonderful time learning and working together cooperatively,” teacher Barbara Silkes said.
250 Cornwell Ave, West Hempstead, NY 11552
Phone: (516) 390-3140
Fax: (516) 489-0365
Principal: Deanna Sinito
Grades 1-3
Parent Teacher Conferences
Teacher Reacher Parent Guide
Teacher Reacher Video Tutorial - English
Teacher Reacher Video Tutorial - Spanish
Letter Regarding Emergency Early Dismissal Drill
NWEA Testing
MAPGrowth Test Prep (English) (Spanish)
MAPGrowth Test Prep - iPads (English) (Spanish)
First Grade Options At Home
#RamResolve Principal Series Parent Presentation
Art Travelers Times Newspaper
7 Free At-Home Reading Activities
Afterschool Program in West Hempstead